Hong Kong Brand Registration- Know your eligibility now!

Trademark categorization is an essential component of trademark registration. The classification of a China trademark outlines the extent of its legal rights and bans trademark infringement.. Trademarks are divided into Classes 1–45 under the Chinese Segmentation of Products and Services.

Understanding Chinese trademark categorization is critical for any organization conducting business in China, importing goods from China, or exporting goods to China. This blog will explain how the Chinese define hongkong brand registration and services.



Chinese Categorization of products and services

China classifies trademarks into 34 classes and nearly 200 subclasses. These categories serve as a foundation for trademark enforcement and registration, ensuring that trademarks are properly protected. Different types of commodities and services are classed based on their nature and function. Various categories are used for various sorts of markings, such as those for food, beverages, apparel, cosmetics, medications, and so on. To be protected, an intellectual property must be authorized in the appropriate class. Some trademarks might call for extra registration to include all associated goods or services.

Class Order Listing of Services and Goods

The Chinese trademark categorization includes a wide range of products and services such as chemicals, textiles, clothes, food, transportation, and more. Category 1-34 are an extensive range of chemical items. Classes 35-45 include a wide range of services, including advertising, company management, retail, and more.

The classes 46-42 include education and entertainment services. Finally, category 43-45 comprises hospitality facilities. This is an overview of China's trademark categorization system.

The China Trademark categorization is an exhaustive list of items and services eligible for registration of trademarks in China. The CTC divides products and services under two major categories: commodities and Services. It gives information on the legality of trademark applications depending on their categorization order.


As noted above, the Chinese government has authorized over 700 categories of products and services. This categorization is the product of years of input from owners of trademarks and industry professionals. The classification is intended to assist trademark applicants in selecting a category for their application, as well as to give a foundation for the examiner's search for past applications.


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